(-0-) perform live at the first PRFBBQ2009 at Union Rock Yards on June 8th, 2009.
For more info on the band, please visit https://www.myspace.com/tifiter.
Explore the world of the PRF BBQ. Started in 2009, in a basement in the city of Chicago, The PRF BBQ’s have spread to New York, and Austin, soon to be followed by Copenhagen and Oakland.
(-0-) perform live at the first PRFBBQ2009 at Union Rock Yards on June 8th, 2009.
For more info on the band, please visit https://www.myspace.com/tifiter.
Mayor For Life performs live at the first PRFBBQ2009 at Union Rock Yards on June 8th, 2009. For more info on the band, please visit https://mayorforlife.bandcamp.com/.
Ling Ling performs live at the first PRFBBQ2009 at Union Rock Yards on June 8th, 2009. For more info on the band, please visit https://www.myspace.com/linglingchicago.
IfIHadAHiFi performs live at the first PRFBBQ2009 at Union Rock Yards on June 8th, 2009. For more info on the band, please visit https://ifihadahifi.bandcamp.com/.
The Hype! perform live band karaoke for the first time at the inaugural PRFBBQ2009 at Union Rock Yards on June 6th, 2009.