Hybrid PRF Thundersnow 2022 (February 18-20)

It is time to Thundersnow once more! Happy Birthday!

Sadly, we will not be heading up to our favorite hotel in Escanaba, MI. This decision was crushing to make, but everyone’s health and safety are of the upmost importance! So strap in folks, cause we’re doing things a little differently this year:

BEHOLD! A hybrid event: February 18-20, 2022.

FRIDAY & SUNDAY (2/18 & 2/20) – VIRTUAL
Online band videos, Fuzzbox, karaoke and misc.!

Live streamed show at TBA location in Milwaukee, WI

In person event will require proof of vaccination to attend and masks will be required. Please stay tuned for more information.

[band set (20min max), music video, short film, karaoke song, or misc.!]

Terrace Bay 2023 OR BUST!

Quick FAQ!

1. What kind of videos do you want?

Full sets (20 min max), individual songs/videos, short films, KARAOKE, all welcome! If it hasn’t been used at a previous PRF Virtual Event, we want it!

2. Where is the in-person thing happening?

We will let you know soon. Just finalizing details. But it’s gonna be COOL and FUN and SAFE.

3. Can my band play the in-person thing?

The in-person thing will have like 5 or 6 bands total. We’d like to prioritize PRF acts that have not felt comfortable playing shows due to safety concerns, etc. but feel like this would be cool and fun and safe. The place this will be will have a fully vaxxed staff and will be clean as fuck, and we will be requiring proof of vax and masks on. We’ll let you know if we want to do an open call for bands, but for now, we’re gonna curate that part. We really don’t want to have to say “no” to three dozen bands that are sending us emails about 5-6 spots, so please don’t do that to us. MORE SOON! Visit the COVID-19 Information Center for vaccine resources.Get Vaccine Info

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