
The Gary – Hardly Sound Session

Austin, Texas’s favorite sons, The Gary recently performed a HARDLY SOUND Session for non-profit audio/visual magazine STUCK. Joined by their friend, Henna Chou on cello, the band burned through Monozona, Lost Art, Lungfish’s The Evidence, and Call the Dogs..

Check out the stunning video, in two segments below, and don’t forget to download the high quality audio of the set.

The session is also available to download as a FREE EP on STUCK’s Soundcloud:

For more information on The Gary, please visit

Radiant Republic Live at Quenchers

This was our first show with new bass player Brent Mix and a batch of new songs. We opened for Nonagon’s record release performance, and surprised them by covering one of their (awesome) songs that they refuse to play live (because they are bastards):

If you haven’t checked out the recent Caffeinated demo ‘Black Friday Session’, you can still listen to that and much more at our Bandcamp page. The song “Lead the Way” will be featured on their 2011 compilation that should be completed very soon.

Ideal Cleaners – Far As You Know

Ideal Cleaners – Far As You Know (SPEED! Nebraska Records – 2011) 9 none-too-shabby songs. This and other recordings can be purchased HERE.

Live versions of a few of the songs below:

“Here is no water but only rock.” – T.S. Eliot (1888-1965)

Ideal Cleaners is in Lincoln, NE. Over in the Eastridge neighborhood.

About the band: We’re open minded enough to appreciate both expensive Belgian Ales and Miller High Life, although we disagree on which is preferred. This inner band conflict comes out as loud, aggressive rock music. We are loud, we are weathered, and we are sexy. We want to rock you. (But only for about 35 minutes.)