The PRFBBQ2011 Poster was designed and printed by Kill Hatsumomo. A limited number of posters may still be available from forum member caix.
To find out more about Kill Hatsumomo, please visit:
Explore the world of the PRF BBQ. Started in 2009, in a basement in the city of Chicago, The PRF BBQ’s have spread to New York, and Austin, soon to be followed by Copenhagen and Oakland.
The PRFBBQ2011 Poster was designed and printed by Kill Hatsumomo. A limited number of posters may still be available from forum member caix.
To find out more about Kill Hatsumomo, please visit:
Nonagon performs live at the Secret Project Robot in NYC as part of the first NYC BBQ, the PRFBBQNYC2011. Recordings and Live Sound by the impeccable Ryan Denmark Steele, Justin Foley, Evan Rowe, Boombats, and motorbike guy.
[jwplayer config=”Audio” playlistid=”568″ playlist.position=”right”]
For more info on the band, please visit https://www.nonagon.us/.
Brett Eugene Ralph’s Kentucky Chrome Revue perform live at the Secret Project Robot in NYC as part of the first NYC BBQ, the PRFBBQNYC2011. Brett Eugene Ralph was backed up by an all star band that night including John Houlihan on drums, Matt Hunter on Bass, Jamie Daniels on fiddle, Diane Wlliams on percussion and vocals, and lead guitars were Patrick Walsh, Matt Sweeney and David Grubbs.
Recordings and Live Sound by the impeccable Ryan Denmark Steele, Justin Foley, Evan Rowe, Boombats, and motorbike guy.
[jwplayer config=”Audio” playlistid=”555″ playlist.position=”right”]
For more info on the band, please visit https://www.myspace.com/bretteugeneralphskentuckychromerevue.
Blacks perform live at the Secret Project Robot in NYC as part of the first NYC BBQ, the PRFBBQNYC2011. Unfortunately the first half of the set was only for the ears of those in attendance, but we have the last three songs here for your enjoyment. Recordings and Live Sound by the impeccable Ryan Denmark Steele, Justin Foley, Evan Rowe, and Boombats.
[jwplayer config=”Audio” playlistid=”539″ playlist.position=”right”]
For more info on the band, please visit https://blacksblacksblacks.bandcamp.com/.
Risk/Reward perform live at Secret Project Robot for the first ever PRF BBQ in New York, PRFBBQNYC2011. The crowd cheered for more, but they did not know they were lucky to hear what the heard. These mysterious gentlemen only perform when the moment strikes them, and when the beer is cold. Recordings and Live Sound by the impeccable Ryan Denmark Steele, Justin Foley, Evan Rowe, and Boombats.
[jwplayer config=”Audio” playlistid=”515″ playlist.position=”right”]
For more info on the band, please visit https://riskreward.bandcamp.com/