
*Postponed* PRFBBQ2020 – July 9-12

POSTPONED until 2021 due to COVID-19. Don’t quit (try again later). Take care of each other!


PRF BBQ 2020 is July 9-12 in Chicago. Tell your buds.

July 9 (Thursday): Location TBA
July 10 (Friday): Workshop 4200 – Wholesome Radio stage
July 11 (Saturday): Workshop 4200
July 12 (Sunday): Workshop 4200

Band submissions are closed.

Donate via paypal to tickets@prfbbq.org, select “sending to a friend,” and list your name in the notes of the transaction. That’s it! Since this whole thing is for charity, you are welcome to donate more than the asking price – rest assured, it will go toward our two amazing charity partners.

$40 – weekend
$45 – weekend w/ commemorative PRFBBQ cup
≥ $45 – weekend w/ cup (and kudos forever)

Pre-sale ticket holders will receive the voting survey + list of band submissions. Anybody who picks up a pre-sale ticket before April 4th will be able to see the band submissions and vote on 27 slots by choosing the 27 bands (of the 75 band submissions) they most want to see. We are keeping the band submission list private out of respect to bands who may not want the World Wide Web to know they submitted.

Our charity partners in 2020 are Test Prevention Awareness Network (TPAN) and Chicago HOPES for Kids. After modest expenses are covered, all proceeds will be split 50/50 between those charities.

Email chicago@prfbbq.com.

PRF Thundersnow 2020: Feb. 14-16, 2020

The PRF returns to Terrace Bay in snowy Gladstone, MI for Thundersnow #8!

BANDS: If’n ya wanna play, email prfthundersnow@gmail.com.

Book your room by calling Terrace Bay at (906) 786-7554.

Catch the fish, clean the fish, eat the fish, DANCE.


Hey, let’s do this thing again for Campout #4! Walks in the woods, kayaks and canoes, falling leaves, rock climbing, archery, and of course chill times by the campfire.

6:00 – whenever DINING
7:00 – 7:30 Rutabega
7:40 – 8:10 Amino Acids
8:20 – 8:50 Regal Machines

9:00 – 1:00 – Activities –
12:30 – 1:30 THE LUNCHEONING
2:00 – 3:30 Guitar ER w/ Chris Jury/Kickball/Party Time
3:30 – 4:00 Conan
4:00 – 4:30 Erratic Retaliator Strategy
4:40 – 5:10 Motes
5:20 – 5:50 Ressurectionists
6:00 – 7:00 THE SUPPERING
7:00 – 7:30 Blank Banker
7:40 – 8:10 Small Awesome
8:20 – 8:50 Petrillo/Korean Jeans Big Band

9:00 – 1:00 – Activities –
11;00 – 12:00 PEN RF (readings of written works by the authors)
12:30 – 1:30 LUNCH
2:00 – 2:30 Michael Harold Doty
2:40 – 3:10 Body Futures
3:20 – 3:50 Photo-Curio
4:00 – 4:30 Wowza

FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/2244350022317454/
EA Thread: https://www.electricalaudio.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=68758

Any other questions? please email: prf campout at the ol’ gmail-dot-com


poster by Plastic Flame Press

June 6-9, 2019
Chicago, various locations

June 6th – 7:00-10:00pm
Boozy Grin (message Calvin Fredrickson on FB or email prfbbq2019@gmail.com for address)

June 7th – 7:00pm-midnight
Illuminated Brew Works (415 N Sangamon)

June 8th – 12:00pm-2:00am
Workshop 4200 (4200 W Diversey)

June 9th – 10:00am-10:15pm
Workshop 4200 (4200 W Diversey)

THURSDAY at Boozy Grin

7:00 – Terriers (acoustic)
7:30 – Ovef Ow
8:15 – Hungry Man
9:00 – Stomatopod

FRIDAY at Illuminated Brew Works

7:30 – FCKR JR
8:15 – Walking Bicycles
9:00 – Djunah
9:45 – Big’n
10:30 – SNWV
11:15 – Whales

SATURDAY at Workshop 4200

12:00 – The Rutabega
12:45 – Korean Jeans
1:30 – Panda Riot
2:00 – LUNCH (not a band)
2:45 – Blanco Suave
3:30 – Motes
4:15 – Imelda Marcos
5:10 – Rally
5:55 – Parlour
6:40 – Father Werewolf
7:10 – DINNER / BREAK (not bands)
8:10 – Pinky Doodle Poodle
8:55 – IfIHadAHiFi
9:40 – Maple Stave
10:25 – The Cell Phones
11:10 – TBA (a to-be-announced band)
11:55 – Fugazi Karaoke by Marclawzi
12:40 – Fuzzbox DJs

SUNDAY at Workshop 4200 – 4200 W Diversey

10:30 – PenRF
12:00 – Smashed Plastic Record Pressing tour (not a band)
1:00 – Mars Hill
1:45 – Photo-Curio
2:30 – Petrillo
3:00 – LUNCH (not a band)
3:30 – KICKBALL / BREAK (not bands)
5:00 – Salvation
5:45 – Burned or Buried
6:30 – Tart
7:00 – DINNER (not a band)
7:45 – RAFFLE (not a band)
8:15 – Paper Mice
9:00 – Out
9:45 – Nonagon
10:15 – CLEAN UP (not a band)

PASSES: Donate $40 via Paypal to jhastie@penguinrandomhouse.com, click “sending to a friend,” and list your full name in the notes.

CHARITY: Our two charity partners this year are TPAN (https://www.tpan.com/) and A Long Walk Home (https://www.alongwalkhome.org/).

LIVE STREAM: Wholesome Zine will be livestreaming Saturday & Sunday’s performances for your listening pleasure! THIS IS THE LIVE STREAM


Chicago summer BBQ –

* Thursday June 6 from 6PM to ???  – BBQ kickoff house party in Logan Square

* Friday June 7 from 7 to ???  – bands and bonfire in the West Loop

* Saturday June 8 from noon to midnight – bands and BBQ at Workshop 4200, afterparty from 12 onward

* Sunday June 9 from 2  to 10PM – more bands and BBQ at Workshop 4200

How can I go?  Donate $40 via Paypal to jhastie@penguinrandomhouse.com to get on the donor list. Donors get into all 4 events. Donations (minus modest expenses) and ALL raffle proceeds will be split 50/50 between Test Positive Aware Network and A Long Walk Home.  Use the “send to a friend’ option as it’s a charity donation and John doesn’t need to pay fees.

Can I donate without PayPal?  Sure, send an email to prfbbq2019@gmail.com and we’ll work it out.

Who’s playing this year?  Apart from a few surprises, donors are going to make the call this year.  Bands are already submitting their names and links to music, and people who have donated will do a ranked choice vote for their favorites after submissions are closed April 5th.  We’ll contact bands by votes and the lineup will take shape as they confirm that they can play.