


Miss summer camp?  Like rocking out with friends?  Come to the “Gathering of the Huggalos”* and “Rock Out with Your Camp-out.”**

There will be games, bands, campfire sing-a-longs, activities, cabins, bunk beds, tents, yurts, walks in the woods, boats – all of this.

Activities include: kayaking and canoes, archery, climbing wall, a tree-tops ropes course.***  All meals and activities included.  Per person pricing ranges from $110-$150 per person for EVERYTHING.***

For more information about pricing or any other questions, send an email to the address in the flyer!

* credit: Casugas
** credit: Nikki
***ropes course is an extra $20 to pay for instructors


PRFBBQ.com Category/Tag System Explained


The Categories are “the events”.  So whatever you are posting, a story, photo, lineup, etc… All end up in one sinular Category.  I’ve added a Shows Category, and a PRF Singles Club Category for fun.  The way the website works is that you go to the category page for the PRFBBQ2011 and it displays all the posts that are in that category.


Bands and People

I’m using Tags for two separate sections right now.  The basic use is the “Bands and People” section.  Tag each post with a band name, or a name (forum or real), and it will be navigable from the tag cloud in the sidebar.  It basically does that same thing as the category page, pulls all the posts with that tag.

Special Sections/Venues/Location

I’ve removed the following list of tags from the Bands and People Tag Cloud and hard linked them from the sidebar for more emphasisThese can be added or taken away.  The Venues section will also be the same as this.

  • Video
  • Poster
  • Audio
  • Photo
  • Food
  • Travel
  • Venue
  • Klas
  • THInk
  • Metropolis
  • Observatory
  • Union Rock Yards
  • Quenchers
  • Slab
  • Secret Project Robot
  • Chicago
  • New York
  • Austin


  • BBGS Video PRFBBQ2010
    Category: PRFBBQ2010
    Tags: Begin By Gathering Supplies, Video, THInk, Chicago
  • night tools talking about Paulina Meat Market for PRFBBQ2009
    Category: PRFBBQ2009
    Tags: Travel, Food
  • Grant National Audio PRFBBQNYC2011
    Category: PRFBBQNYC2011
    Tags: Grant National, Audio, Secret Project Robot, New York
  • The Conformists Video/Audio PRFBBQ2011
    Category: PRFBBQ2011
    Tags: The Conformists, Audio, Video, Observatory, Chicago

Because we are using tags for navigation (not search keywords), try to limit yourself to the exact term, espcially with bands.  Risk/Reward is going to be different from Risk Reward or riskreward.

Post Image/Thumbnail Image

This is the most complex thing about the site so far.  I always tell people if they can check their email online, they can operate a blog, but this needs instruction.

Post Image – Used in each post.  I have decided on a 100 x 100 px thumbnail that I acquire from said band’s bandcamp page, or make myself using MS Paint.  You will notice the Post Image on and of the VIDEO posts I have made, and you will NOT notice it on any of the POSTER.  Why becuase the poster posts have a nice image in them so it is not needed.  But…

Thumbnail Image – is used on the home and category pages for the little icon when the 3rd through 6th stories shrink down.  If there is a a Post Image, it uses that, but if there is not, it falls back to the Thumbnail Image.


Easiest way, as you are writing the post, click on the Upload/Insert Image link, upload the image from you computer and copy the new uploaded image URL.  If you were going to post pictures in teh thread, you would hit the INSERT INTO POST, but we don’t want that for this, just click save and exit, and then paste the image’s url in either the Post Image or Thumbnail Image URL box, add the alt text (the band name or whatever), and you are good to go.

Embed Video Playlists

For embedding video playlists, use the following code so it will work on mobile devices. (Just change the PLAYLIST_ID to the playlist id and remove the spaces before the < and >‘s.)

< iframe class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="640" height="385" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/p/PLAYLIST_ID" frameborder="0" > < /iframe >

What else do you want to know?  I can continue to add to this post, so comment below.