
LGX Live at PRF Auktoberfyst 2011

There’s still room for a lot of firsts in land of PRF BBQ’s, but being the first Rap Group has officially been crossed off the list. If you’re a fan of Snookie, David Hasselhoff, or beer, you will be right at home with the boys of LGX. They kicked off PRF Auktoberfyst 2011 on Thursday, September 29th, 2011 at Quenchers Saloon in Chicago, IL.

For more info on the band, please visit LGX on Bandcamp.

MP3 Downloads

Zip Folder [35 MB]

An Evening At Cal’s

Saturday, September 10th, 2011 we took to the empty west loop streets of Chicago for an evening of music, drinking, and dive bar revelry. Underneath the turn of the elevated loop train tracks lies a bar that time has seemed to have forgotten about, Cal’s Bar. On the ticket was the first, and possibly last performance of Gay Name, a group made up of members of The Columbines and Empire State Troopers. Next up was your friend and mine, Jimmy Two Hands, followed by The Heavy Bombers and Whales, who featured guest keyboardist Matt!

Gay Name

Jimmy Two Hands

The Heavy Bombers


Life on Mercury Live at Deagan Music

Behold the first live performance of Life on Mercury, the solo project from Rich Fessler of Bear Claw and Mayor For Life. The performance took place at the DIY Venue, Deagan Music, on Saturday August 13th, 2011 as part of Solofest which included 8 experimental, noise, and ambient acts.

The name of the piece is Absence and is actually a shortened version of the piece which was originally about 50 minutes long.


This summer rocked my old ass off.

Well, it started out that way. I had an unexpected amount of free time that became available just as Police Teeth rolled thru the Midwest. “Awesomer Than The Devil” blew my rock and roll paradigm to pieces, and is still holding steady at the top spot of the 2011 new elpee list I am constantly updating in my brain. I’d found out about Police Teeth thru D.j. Hostettler, the drummer for noise maniacs ifihadahifi. D.j. also was the guy who turned me on to the Electrical Audio board, and, consequently, the PRFBBQ.

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