Greetings! Just a friendly reminder that Chicago’s Radiant Republic has a new LP available (with a CD included) called “Three Against Four”. Yes, it is a time signature reference, but has other meanings as well. Anyway, the live band version of Radiant Republic (of Texas) grew out of a performance at the 2011 BBQ at the Observatory and these songs have been in the works since then. It was recorded with Jon San Paolo (badass) at a new studio co-owned by Mike McCutcheon (badass) called Burn the Furniture in February of 2013. We mastered it with Bob Weston (badass) and released it on Sick Room Records owned by Ryan Duncan (badass). Andy Rench (badass) of Blank Banker did the artwork. That’s a lot of badass name droppin’ there!
In all sincerity, this album required a shit ton of effort and money and we did it in a non crowd source-y way, so hopefully you give it a chance. You can order it from Sick Room or buy a digital version from Bandcamp. It’s also available on iTunes, Amazon, and Spotify.
RR by Mr King (badass)